SOLSTICE-WIO is a four-year collaborative project which brings together recent advances in marine technologies, local knowledge and research expertise to address challenges facing the Western Indian Ocean region. In 2018 we begun to work on what would become the National Oceanography Centre’s first Massive Open Online Course (MOOC). The course contains thirty-two lectures on a broad range of topics which required over 195 individual motion graphics be created. These motion graphics cover everything from simple title cards and word definitions to complex data representations, explanatory diagrams and animated 17th century scientists. A reel demonstrating the breadth of the project as well as a few select examples can be seem here. The project was a collaboration from across the NOC, the core team comprised myself as Graphic Designer, Dr Katya Popova – Principal Scientist, Dr Zoe Jacobs – Presenter, Lucy Cox – Producer, Danny MacGregor – Video Producer and Editor, Damian Cook – Creative Contributor, Sofia Alexiou – Administrative Contributor and Lynda Haller – Administrative Contributor.